Monday, November 17, 2008

A Whole New World


What a beautiful and emotion driven continent.

Everywhere there is death, destruction, beauty, humor, and a feeling of epic doom or conquest. It is not perfect, but I am impressed. The graphics have quite a few more particle effects among other improvements.

My good friend and native Muleshoean, Tonkadonk and I are level 77. We really pushed it hard right after release. I will say this, the comfort of having a flying mount again is wonderful. Being able to fly from quest to quest, especially on an epic mount, is dramatically better and more satisfying than ground running from place to place.

The gear reset has been minimal thus far. Just a few things have really been upgrades. Trinkets were the first to go. Other gear slots really have not been changed, I have replaced my bracers and cloak, with a few other debateable items in my bags.

I am excited to get some good, solid instance groups together in the coming weeks once more people get levelled. Learning new instaces is a great part of the game and one I certainly look forward to.

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