Friday, November 7, 2008

Almost Here

With WOTLK right around the corner I have been fairly inactive. Like Bacon, I too have had a nasty bout with a cold that has really sucked.

I am really looking forward to the levelling experience and all of the things that come with that (skills, new factions, quest rewards, gold..). I am actually looking forward to some of the instancing involved too, during BC most of my levelling was strictly solo or duo.

Obviously I am going to be levelling my shaman first, followed then by my warrior. It will be nice to have a pair of classes capable of everything in the game, tank, healing, cc, dps, utility, etc..
There was some exciting news regarding shaman scaling, seems there will be some sort of stat that will scale with damage, most likely intellect. This is something Elemental Shaman have been clamoring for, since the beginning of time. Seeing a Boomkin bring the majority of our buffs to a raid now and spank the living hell out of us in dps was somewhat depressing (not saying this was a scaling issue but scaling will help narrow the gap some.) Being a utility/dps caster it was rewarding getting whispers from mages and others saying "omg i love you in this raid," "WOW look at my spelldamage!" That feeling has been somewhat nullyfied with overlapping buffs that blot out what my totems do for the raid, to add injury to insult we also still lag behind some in damage. Oh, well, I still have a confident feeling everything will be ok, we lag behind now and I still hold my own.

Raiding in Wrath will be exciting and definitely a solid experience with a pretty much set group of people who know their classes well. The sooner we get started the better IMO. Getting a constant stream of heroics in will also be welcome. There really is little I enjoy more than getting a fun group of friends and knocking out some heroics on a Saturday night.

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