Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Staring at My Coffee Mug

I believe things will all workout in Heroes, Inc. People will hit the level cap and run instances with other people, these things tend to happen in an MMO. Some people may have to spec differently for a while (like me probably going resto).

I understand the goals in Heroes are focused more on the "journey" and not the end of the line, more on community than min/maxing a raid to conquer a particular encounter. All of that is fine, its great, in fact I would not want it any other way.

With that said, some people have expectations that are very very streamlined and in my opinion unrealistic. Wanting a group for every quest and every xp point is the same for me as others have issues with "hand holding" in instances. I like the challenge of busting out levels, sure I read the major storyline, I follow the quests. But I like grouping, and in my opinion the real grouping truly starts at 80.

One issue with me is the whole "instance challenge" situation. I understand wanting a challenging encounter. And trust me, at this stage and the forseeable future, EVERY other heroic boss is a definite challenge regardless of who is in the group. Most of the achievements in heroics are very challenging, in fact some are outright ridiculous and will require months of raiding to get properly geared to complete them. If it is a challenge that is being sought, believe me, for a casual guild like Heroes it could take 8 months to a YEAR, yes a year to get them done.

I will say this, I am very excited to group with all of heroes. I even plan on speccing resto so I can get in as many groups with my friends as possible.

As for raiding, I believe Lakini is exactly right, no matter when raiding starts, stops, blows up, vanishes, or whatever, not everyone will be happy. Bottom line as I see it, no one is in a ridiculous rush to get into Naxx, but everyone is ready and excited to group together! See ya in-game.


Bacon said...

While I understand where you're coming from, I don't think the lack of grouping for quests is what caused the departure of a friend or the discussion of leveling paces. I think it comes down to the breakdown of socialization that existed before the expansion. I saw it happen when The Burning Crusade was released. Personally, I've never had a questing buddy and did all pretty much solo. I don't mind. I think what I miss is the social aspect. For months we all did things together and chatted in the guild channel and just messed around. Once the pre expansion patch hit, that all stopped. And I think that is what bothers some people the most. I know it did me. But a couple of weeks ago I realized that if I want to do anything with you guys, I'm going to have to hit level80. I just hope that you guys still have the interest and patience to run more Heroics at that time. If not, then that's cool.

Personally, I think if you guys got enough people to form a raid and that's what you all really want to do, then do it. It sounds like that is what some of you guys are wanting to do. And I think you guys have enough healers (without you speccing resto) and tanks to start on Naxx. I don't know what you all are waiting for.

Blue said...

I see what your talking about. Definitely.

I think mostly with the social thing, is that we really were not doing anything game-wise prebc other than one bg night. I think this was a primary cause of the lack of socialization and it has carried over.

We can pretend, and say the game itself does not provide motivation to socialize, but it does. It makes us all hang out. With all of the new stuff it will re-engage everyone. With the increase in grouping we will see an increase in vent activity, lets not forget about arenas and bg's too, that will come along as well.

And with the heroics, trust me, we will all be running them. There is just too much to do to knock out heroics and the need for heroics within a few months.

Also, I want to try out resto, so its not a burden, sorry if it came out that way.

My thing is: don't worry. I know we will be doing tons of stuff together. Pvp, Heroics, Raids, Alts, etc..

Lakini said...

Your blog name is awful.

As far as social things go, I tend to do anything I can that involves a group. Unless it's run me through sm or zf, no deal.

Level, skill, and gear are few things that separate people. One thing I learned is no matter how much you like someone if you aren't on the same page grouping with that person will be missing something. Whether it is the challenge, a reward or the ability to accomplish goals (raid boss deaths or high arena rating) because one cannot "pull their own weight".

That being said once we are all 80 I think that this shouldn't be much of an issue, I think all of us have similar goals, know how to play and like each other. Except Origami, no one likes him. Well, I think Ferth used to, but he doesn't anymore. Gear may be different at first but that is easily fixed.

Blue said...

I find that even if somone is pulling their own weight, and are terribly still do not enjoy grouping with them..........dun dun dun!!!!

Blue said...

I will clarify..(to make sure the three of you that read this blog know I am in no way directing this at you guys! lol) This is a rarity in Heroes.

Taxiderm said...

backpedal, backpedal, backpedal !!!


Blue said...

I just hit my 'Intervene' button.