On the personal/professional side of things. I sold a farm that my family has owned since 1954. That was a tough decision, I essentially grew up there, learned to drive, farm, cuss, even have a dip or two, (which I hated and still do!). Keeping it was just slowly causing it to depreciate so selling it was really my best option.
Onto the game!
I will be staying a shaman, nature is my calling! Lightning bolts are where its at!
This may even be my pvp choice if things are improved. Otherwise it will be my warrior or priest.
See everyone in game!
I grew up on a family owned farm as well... Currentlys its in the hand of my grandparents but when they pass I can see all hell breaking loose when it gets divided up and possibly sold. I spent 100% of my childhood there so I know what it meant to ya.
Draenai shamans are like smurfs on crack that made friends with lightning.
My mother bought her parents farm about 10 years after they died. With her being the youngest out of 7, it wasn't pretty because the older kids wanted to sell it out right for the $$$. They still got their money from her and she owns the farm. It's up in the Oklahoma panhandle.
I've already talked to my brother and sister. The 2 of them want to sell it, but I can't. Too many memories. The house was built by my grandfather (before you could get prefabbed struts and other stuff). And We spent alot our younger days there during wheat harvest, dove/quail/pheasant hunting, and raising cattle.
As far as shamans go, I'm having a blast with mine. I need to quit screwing around and get her level (currently 52).
I really had those same sentiments Bacon. I am the only heir to my place, my parents divorced and my mother died in '04, she was an only child, like me. My grandfather who was alone (grandmother died in '01) past away in '05. I swore I would keep it forever, but things change.
Basically I live 2 hours away from the place and my dad was having to work his rear end off taking care of it. Which was unfair to him. All the while the 2500 sq ft brick home was just going massively downhill. I just did not have the time or ability to take care of it the way it should have been.
I don't know, I suppose what I am getting at is things change, a lot. Time really does mold things in a different light. I may regret it one day though.
I grew up spending a lot of time on my grandfather's farm. As he and my grandmother got older, they ultimately couldn't do the upkeep on it, so they had to sell off half the land (the half that included the pond we used to swim in, and their house). My grandfather has since passed away, and the other half of the farm gets little/no use these days, I suspect it will probably be sold off soon as well.
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