I was going to post the following in response to Lakini's latest post, but I figured I would just do it here.
I agree with Lakini, if you leave because your "bored" or whatever..stay gone. It is TOTALLY and undeniably unfair to those of us who come consistently and do whats best for the raid group to just let individuals come roll on and recieve what they want, and then leave the game. This ends up not helping any of the other people in the raid progress their toons in the same way we have aided those individuals in progressing their character. Issues like these become more and more important and larger based on difficulty of content. I understand things often times are dramatically more complicated than this. And this view can seem simplistic, and we probably will have to deal with much of this in order to continue on as a core raid group.
Like I said before, I understand that some of this BS is unavoidable in raids. Do I want to see the raids from different points of view? Sure I do, I have a melee character, but I am not even about to CONSIDER raiding with a different class until EACH and every single piece, both on and off spec, is aquired from our primary raiders, or my alt(s) are needed for specific encounters. It is just not the right thing to do.
I have, for the majority of my WoW experience sacrificed some for raid gain, and that is fine, its what is most important for me. I pally healed all through the majority of BC (stabbing pencils through my iris sometimes seemed more enjoyable,) I played a resto shammy (alot of fun so not really a sacrifice, but hey its healing!) I went with range dps (I love my Shaman, I am elemental and it will absolutely remain my main spec through the majority of progression content, but it was not my initial desire, as melee is honestly more entertaining).
Basically what I am saying is, I like to do what makes the raid a better raid. That is my priority, I know this is a game, and its everyone's 15 bucks, but it still does not mean you just forget about what other people need and what your group needs.