Monday, November 24, 2008

It is all a process

Character progression in WOTLK is a steping stone process for most of us. I am trying to make these initial steps to increasing my character's effectivness in 5 mans/heroics and eventually raids.

First, and most obvious is getting to the level cap.

Second, for most it is finishing off quests and especially those group quest that reward solid starting gear. I am probably half way finished with this.

Third, is the step I am primarily on at this time is levelling my crafting professions. I can obtain some very valuable gear via leatherworking, and make some good money with my alchemy profession. The downfall for me is I have to level my warrior in order to obtain the materials for my two production professions, or pay out the wazzou for them on the auction house. I will be levelling the warrior.

So, fortunately for me, Donk, my good RL buddy is in the same boat as I am. He has a mage that he will be levelling with me for pretty much most of the same reasons, although he could end up in a raid group with his mage due to the range dps shortage in our guild. Overall I expect this process to be pretty painless since most of the quests and zones are fresh on our minds from blasting balls to the wall to 80 on our mains.

Overall as far as the guild goes, I do see some dissatisfied people, which I think is somewhat natural as some people seem to individualize the levelling process while others make it a group affair. Hopefully, once the majority reaches 80 things will start to shake out and everyone gets at least some of their group goals met.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So I hit 80 last night. Definitely stayed up too late, I am a dog today at work. I was able to ding with at least 3/4 of Stormpeaks remaining, and all of Icecrown. Now it is time to get some PVP in as well as work on the warrior for my shaman's production professions. Honestly, if you just steadily quest it should not take more than 3 weeks maybe 3 and a half to get to max level. The questing really picked up after Borean Tundra and the first half of Howling Fjord. Quests in the second half of Howling Fjord and Dragonblight really start to weave together and you are able to complete alot of them together. The lore in the Dragonblight was sensational. One cutscene dealing with several in-game heroes was just incredible.

My plan for the weekend and some next week is to both level my warrior and try and knock out any instance quests for as much blue gear as I can get. I hope to help any guildmates with that or any other group quests.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Whole New World


What a beautiful and emotion driven continent.

Everywhere there is death, destruction, beauty, humor, and a feeling of epic doom or conquest. It is not perfect, but I am impressed. The graphics have quite a few more particle effects among other improvements.

My good friend and native Muleshoean, Tonkadonk and I are level 77. We really pushed it hard right after release. I will say this, the comfort of having a flying mount again is wonderful. Being able to fly from quest to quest, especially on an epic mount, is dramatically better and more satisfying than ground running from place to place.

The gear reset has been minimal thus far. Just a few things have really been upgrades. Trinkets were the first to go. Other gear slots really have not been changed, I have replaced my bracers and cloak, with a few other debateable items in my bags.

I am excited to get some good, solid instance groups together in the coming weeks once more people get levelled. Learning new instaces is a great part of the game and one I certainly look forward to.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Almost Here

With WOTLK right around the corner I have been fairly inactive. Like Bacon, I too have had a nasty bout with a cold that has really sucked.

I am really looking forward to the levelling experience and all of the things that come with that (skills, new factions, quest rewards, gold..). I am actually looking forward to some of the instancing involved too, during BC most of my levelling was strictly solo or duo.

Obviously I am going to be levelling my shaman first, followed then by my warrior. It will be nice to have a pair of classes capable of everything in the game, tank, healing, cc, dps, utility, etc..
There was some exciting news regarding shaman scaling, seems there will be some sort of stat that will scale with damage, most likely intellect. This is something Elemental Shaman have been clamoring for, since the beginning of time. Seeing a Boomkin bring the majority of our buffs to a raid now and spank the living hell out of us in dps was somewhat depressing (not saying this was a scaling issue but scaling will help narrow the gap some.) Being a utility/dps caster it was rewarding getting whispers from mages and others saying "omg i love you in this raid," "WOW look at my spelldamage!" That feeling has been somewhat nullyfied with overlapping buffs that blot out what my totems do for the raid, to add injury to insult we also still lag behind some in damage. Oh, well, I still have a confident feeling everything will be ok, we lag behind now and I still hold my own.

Raiding in Wrath will be exciting and definitely a solid experience with a pretty much set group of people who know their classes well. The sooner we get started the better IMO. Getting a constant stream of heroics in will also be welcome. There really is little I enjoy more than getting a fun group of friends and knocking out some heroics on a Saturday night.