My wow career has been such a roller coaster.
One thing I have learned throughout all of my ups and downs with this game is the fact that I CANNOT stand screaming idiotic people who take this game too seriously.
A second thing is that I hate over protective cliques who cower in a shell within their smaller group and do not outreach to allow other like minded people join up with them and enjoy the game on a more casual note.
Hopefully the 10 man system will allow people to bridge that gap that so many find themselves unable to cross.
As far as Wrath of the Lich King is concerned, I am at a crossroads. I know for sure I will be a part of a great 10 man raid guild, how much of a part is really not for me to decide, however what class I choose to be could really help me in that regard. As it stands, range dps and healing is the point of contention. I have healed for the majority of my wow life and no longer wish to do this full time. This leaves me with three choices, Elemental Shaman, Hunter, or Warlock. I could reroll mage but the group as it stands has a solid mage.
Elemental Shaman
- Nice utility.
- Good DPS, early on in progression. (Totem of Wrath , ftw.)
- Can toss out effective heals.
- One button spamalot.
- Can lag behind in DPS compared to pure DPS classes in later high end raids. (Not confirmed in WotLK)
- Could end up healing more than doing damage.
We will talk about the hunter pros/cons next week.